Saturday, 25 February 2012

Candy Sushi

Don't be alarmed--no fish were harmed in the making of this Candy Sushi! I can't say the same for gummy worms or Swedish fish, however.

I've been making this dinner look-alike for years, but it still makes me smile every time. It's also surprisingly simple--just make some crispy rice treats, and either top them with some Swedish fish, or roll them around gummy worms and wrap them in Fruit Roll-Ups. Honestly, the hardest part is finding green Fruit Roll-Ups--it seems all of the stores around me only carry berry flavors or crazy swirled varieties. This is a great recipe to make with kids, and it's a fun way to end a (legitimate) sushi dinner.

If you're new to making candy sushi, here are a few resources to get you started:

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Candy Sushi Photo c2010 Elizabeth LaBau, licensed to, Inc.

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