Saturday, 7 January 2012

Bacon Turtles

Bacon candies are so popular they're almost a cliche at this point, but the reason they're so popular is because folks go gaga over them. And I must give the people what they want! These Bacon Turtles are a twist on traditional turtles: I've added a strip of crispy bacon to the familiar combination of toasted pecans, chewy caramel, and rich chocolate. The bacon doesn't make them taste bacon-y so much as a little salty, so if you really want to boost the bacon flavor, add two strips of bacon instead of just one. Or top them with crumbled bacon! Or serve them with bacon jam, between two slices of bacon, and eat them with a bacon fork. And then send me a picture, because that sounds insane.

Get the recipe: Bacon Turtles

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Bacon Turtles Photo c2011 Elizabeth LaBau, licensed to, Inc.

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