Saturday, 15 October 2011

Candy Corn Fudge

Candy Corn Fudge is so adorable and eye-catching, no one will ever guess how easy it is to make. My husband, a devoted frosting connoisseur, loves it because of its white chocolate-vanilla frosting flavor. I love it because my microwave does all of the work. Readers love it too: reviewers describe it as "unique and perfect," "pretty," "a hit," and "highly recommended." See what all the fuss is about by trying this fun, festive Halloween recipe.

But wait, there's MORE. Candy Corn Fudge is now a video recipe too! So if you're one of those folks who likes to see how each step comes together, or if you just enjoy drooling at your computer a little bit, check out the Candy Corn Fudge video recipe.

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Candy Corn Fudge Photo c2007 Elizabeth LaBau, licensed to, Inc.

View the original article here

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